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What You Can Do

No matter what side you choose, there is always something you can do in support of those you consider to be aligned with. Below are a few examples of what you can do to show your support.


  • Raise money and donate to whatever organization you are a part of or support. These organizations need money in order to keep their campaigns going, while also being able to hire lobbyists in Washington DC in order to be able to gain support for whatever legislation that may be in the works or in the voting process.

  • Go to rallies and other events hosted by the organizations in order to show your support, as the more people show up for an event of some sort, the greater the chance for publicity and local news coverage. This leads to more people getting involved, should their interests be piqued by the news. 

  • Write to your senators and representatives, in both the state and in Congress, while also those of your city councils. Their job is to represent you, and in order to do so, they must know what you want to be argued and/or passed/vetoed. Your opinions do matter, so make them count and write to your politicians telling them what you want. 

    • Please follow this link to find your state's senators and your district representative(s).

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